Thank you for your interest in Win A Lotto and We strive to provide
timely and accurate results for all lottery games compatible with Win A Lotto by updating results multiple times
daily. If you see any errors in our data, please drop us a line at : and let us know.
If you are interested in a business alignment with AllLottoResults or Win A Lotto software, please contact us at : We are currently seeking online link exchanges and software distributors.
About Us
Win A Lotto was first developed by Fixed It! Software in 1995 and was one of the first Windows 95
lottery applications on the market. Since then, Win A Lotto has undergone several revisions adding more
features and improved interface with each revision. The current release is maintained by Our team
continues to improve and maintain the software. Win A Lotto remains today one of the most popular and complete lottery applications
on the market.
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